Adarme-Vega TC, Lim DK, Timmins M, Vernen F, Li Y, Schenk PM. 2012. Microalgal biofactories: a promising approach towards sustainable omega-3 fatty acid production. Microb Cell Fact. 2012 Jul 25;11:96. doi: 10.1186/1475-2859-11-96. Review.
A.C. White-Monsant, C. Tang. 2013. Organic acids are not specifically involved in the nitrate-enhanced Zn hyperaccumulation mechanism in Noccaea caerulescens. Environmental and Experimental Botany 91 (2013) 12– 21
Aizat M, Dias DD, Stangoulis CR, Able A, Roessner U & Able J. 2014. Metabolomics of capsicum ripening reveals modification of the ethylene related-pathway and carbon metabolism. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 89 : 19-31.
Aizat WM, Dias DA, Stangoulis JCR, Able JA, Roessner U, Able AJ. 2013. Metabolomics of capsicum ripening reveals modification of the ethylene pathway and carbon metabolism. Journal Experimental Botany (submitted)
Ardley, J.K., Parker, M.A., De Meyer, S.E., Trengove, R.D., O'Hara, G.W., Reeve, W.G., Yates, R.J., Dilworth, M.J., Willems, A., Howieson, J.G. 2012. Microvirga lupini sp. nov., Microvirga lotononidis sp. nov. and Microvirga zambiensis sp. nov. are alphaproteobacterial root-nodule bacteria that specifically nodulate and fix nitrogen with geographically and taxonomically separate legume hosts. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
Beckles M & Roessner U. 2012. Plant metabolomics - applications and opportunities for agricultural biotechnology. In "Plant biotechnology and agriculture: Prospects for the 21st century.: Elsevier Science. (In Press)
Berkowitz O, Jost R, Kollehn DO, Fenske R, Finnegan PM, O'Brien PA, Hardy GE, Lambers H. 2013. Acclimation responses of Arabidopsis thaliana to sustained phosphite treatments. J Exp Bot. 2013 Apr;64(6):1731-43. doi: 10.1093/jxb/ert037. Epub 2013 Feb 11.
Bouzanquet Q, Barril C, Clark AC, Dias DA, Scollary GR. 2012. A novel glutathione-hydroxycinnamic acid product generated in oxidative wine conditions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Bowne J, Bacic A, Tester & Roessner U. 2011. Abiotic stress and metabolomics. Biology of plant metabolomics.. United States: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing , pp. 61-85 .
Bowne JB, Erwin T, Juttner J, Schnurbusch T, Langridge PA, Bacic A & Roessner U. 2012. Drought Responses of Leaf Tissues from Wheat Cultivars of Differing Drought Tolerance at the Metabolite Level. Molecular Plant Vol. 5 (2).
Bowne JB, Erwin TA, Juttner J, Schnurbusch T, Langridge P, Bacic A and Roessner U. 2011. Drought Responses of Leaf Tissues from Wheat Cultivars of Differing Drought Tolerance at the Metabolite Level, Molecular Plant, Vol. 5 (2).
Brumbley SM, Purnell MP, Petrasovits LA, Nielsen LK & Twine PH. 2007. Developping the sugarcane biofactory for high-value biomaterials. International Sugar Journal
Bussell JD, Keech O, Fenske R, Smith SM. 2013. Requirement for the plastidial oxidative pentose phosphate pathway for nitrate assimilation in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 2013 Apr 27. doi: 10.1111/tpj.12222. [Epub ahead of print]
Callahan D, Roessner U, Dumontet , Wedd A, O'Hair R, Baker & Kolev S. 2008. LC-MS and GC-MS metabolite profiling of nickel(II) complexes in the latex of the nickel-hyperaccumulating tree Sebertia acuminata and identification of methylated aldaric acid as a new nickel(II) ligand. Phytochemistry. 69 : 240-251.
Callahan LC, Foroughi S, Baker AJM, Johnson A, BacicA, Roessner U. 2014. Hyperaccumulation of zinc by Noccaea caerulescens results in a cascade of stress responses and changes in the elemental profile. Metallomics (accepted 100614)
Callahan, D. L., Roessner, U., Dumontet, V., De Livera, A. M., Doronila, A., Baker, A. J. M. & Kolev, S. D. 2012. Elemental and metabolite profiling of nickel hyperaccumulators from new caledonia. Phytochemistry, 81(0), 80-89.
Camilla B. Hill, Julian D. Taylor, James Edwards, Diane Mather, Antony Bacic, Peter Langridge, and Ute Roessner. 2013. Whole-Genome Mapping of Agronomic and Metabolic Traits to Identify Novel Quantitative Trait Loci in Bread Wheat Grown in a Water-Limited Environment. Plant Physiol. 2013 162: 1266-1281. First Published on May 9, 2013; doi:10.1104/pp.113.217851
Carew, A.L., Lloyd, N.D.R., Close, D.C., Dambergs, R.G. 2014. Wine phenolic and aroma outcomes from the application of Controlled Phenolic Release to Pinot Noir must. Beames, K.S., Robinson, E.M.C., Godden P.W., Johnson, D.L. (eds.) Proceedings of the 15th Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference: Sydney, New South Wales 13-18 July 2013. Urrbrae, South Australia; The Australian Wine Industry Technical Conference Inc.: 80–84; 2014
Clark AC and Dias DA. 2012. The iron(III) tartrate photochemistry of wine: impacts of bottle colour and weight. Grapegrower & Winemaker, October 2012 Issue 585
Clode P.L., Saunders M., Maker G., LudwiG M. and Atkins C.A. 2009 Uric acid deposits in symbiotic marine algae Plant. Cell and Environment 32, pp. 170-177
Dal’Molin CGO, Quek LE, Palfreyman RW, Brumbley SM, Nielsen LK. 2010. C4GEM – a Genome-Scale Metabolic Model to study C4 plant metabolism. Plant Physiology
De Oliveira Dal'molin CG, Quek LE, Palfreyman RW, Brumbley SM & Nielsen LK. 2010. AraGEM - a genome-scale reconstruction of the primary metabolic network in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology
Dias DA, Clark AC, Smith TA, Ghiggino KP and Scollary GR. 2013. Wine bottle colour and oxidative spoilage: whole bottle light exposure experiments under controlled and uncontrolled temperature conditions. Food Chemistry
Elliott CE, Callahan DL, Schwenk D, Nett M, Hoffmeister D & Howlett BJ. 2013. A gene cluster responsible for biosynthesis of phomenoic acid in the plant pathogenic fungus, Leptosphaeria maculans. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 53 : 50-58
Flematti GR. Merritt DJ. Piggott MJ. Trengove RD. Smith SM. Dixon KW. Ghisalberty EL. 2011. Burning vegetation produces cyanhydrins that liberate cyanide and stimulate seed germination. Nature Communications 2(1) article no 360.
Gagliano M, Renton M, Duvdevani N, Timmins M, Mancuso S. 2012. Acoustic and magnetic communication in plants: Is it possible? Plant Signal Behav. 2012 Oct 1;7(10):1346-8. doi: 10.4161/psb.21517. Epub 2012 Aug 20.
Gagliano M, Renton M, Duvdevani N, Timmins M, Mancuso S. 2012. Out of sight but not out of mind: alternative means of communication in plants. PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e37382. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037382. Epub 2012 May 22.
Garnett T., Conn V., Plett D., Conn S., Zanghellini, Mackenzie J. N. , Enju A., Francis K., Holtham L., Roessner U., Boughton B.A., Bacic A., Shirley N., Rafalski A., Dhugga K., Tester M., Kaiser B.N. 2013. The response of the maize nitrate transport system to nitrogen demand and supply across the lifecycle. New Phytologist, 198(1), 82-94.
Gholami M, Boughton BA, Fakhari AR, Ghanati F, Mirzaei HH, Borojeni LY, Zhang Y, Breitbach ZS, Armstrong DW, Roessner U. 2013. Metabolomic study reveals a selective accumulation of L-arginine in the D-ornithine treated tobacco cell suspension culture. Process Biochemistry (accepted)
Gnanasambandam A, Anderson DJ, Purnell M, Nielsen LK & Brumbley SM. 2008. The N-terminal presequence from F1-ATPase β-subunit of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia efficiently targets green fluorescent fusion protein to the mitochondria in diverse commercial crops. Functional Plant Biology
"Goodger J., Heskes A., and Woodrow I. 2013. Contrasting ontogenetic trajectories for phenolic and terpenoid defences.
in Eucalyptus froggattii Annals of Botany 112: 651–659, 2013"
Gruber B, Delhaize E, Richardson A, Roessner U, James R, Howitt S & Ryan P. 2011. Characterisation of HvALMT1 function in transgenic barley plants. Functional Plant Biology - an international journal of plant function. 38 (2) : 163-175.
Gummer JP, Trengove RD, RP Oliver, PS Solomon. 2013. Dissecting the Role of G-protein Signalling on Primary Metabolism in the Wheat Pathogen Stagonospora nodorum. Microbiology In press
Gummer, J.P.A., Trengove, R.D., Oliver, R.P., Solomon, P.S. 2012. A comparative analysis of the heterotrimeric G-protein, Ga, Gb, Gy subunits in the wheat pathogen Stagonospora nodorum. BMC Microbiology 12, art # 131
Halim, R., Rupasinghe, T. W. T., Tull, D. L. & Webley, P. A. 2013. Mechanical cell disruption for lipid extraction from microalgal biomass. Bioresource Technology 140, 53–63.
Halim, R., Rupasinghe, T. W. T., Tull, D. L. & Webley, P. A. 2013. Modelling the kinetics of lipid extraction from wet mcroalgal concentrate: a novel perspective on a classical process. Chemical Engineering Journal.
Heaven, M. W., Wild, K., De Souza, D., Nahid, A., Tull, D., Watkins, M., Hannah, M. & Nash D. 2012. Physicochemical properties and trace organic compounds in a dairy processor's aerobic bioreactor. Resource Technology (2012) Nov;124:119-28
Herderich, M., Curtin, C., Hayasaka, Y. And Mercurio, M. 2011. Metabolomics and the quest for understanding wine quality. Proceedings of Oeno 2011, 9th International Symposium of Oenology, Bordeaux, France, 2011, pp.609-614.
Heskes AM, Goodger JQD, Tsegay S, Quach T, Williams SJ & Woodrow IE. 2012. Localization of Oleuropeyl Glucose Esters and a Flavanone to Secretory Cavities of Myrtaceae. PloS ONE July 2012, Volume 7, Issue 7
Hill C & Roessner U. 2013. Metabolic Profiling of Plants by GC–MS. In Weckwerth W & Kahl G (eds), The Handbook of Plant Metabolomics. Germany: Wiley - V C H Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA , pp. 3-24 .
Hill CB, Bacic A, Roessner. 2014. LC-MS profiling to link metabolic and phenotypic diversity in plant mapping populations. Mass Spectrometry Methods in Metabolomics. Raftery D (ed). In Methods in Molecular Biology Series. Humana Press USA (in press)
Hill CB, Dias DA and Roessner U. 2014. Current and Emerging Applications of Metabolomics in the Field of Agricultural Biotechnology. In Rai, VR (Editor) Plant metabolomics: Applications and opportunities for agricultural biotechnology. John Wiley & Sons (West Sussex, United Kingdom)
Hill CB, Jha D, Bacic A, Tester M, Roessner U. 2013. Characterization of ion contents and metabolic responses to salt stress of different AtHKT1;1 genotypes and their parental strains in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Plant 6, 350-368 (JIF 4.3, cited 1x)
Hill CB, Roessner U. 2013. Plant metabolomics using GC-MS. In: GC-MS metabolomics handbook. In: GC-MS metabolomics handbook. Weckwerth W (ed). Springer (in press)
Hill CB, Roessner U. 2014. Advances in high-throughput untargeted LC-MS analysis for plant metabolomics. “Advanced LC-MS applications for metabolomics”. Future Science Group, UK (in press)
Huang C, Roessner-Tunali U, Eickmeier I, Genc Y, Callahan D, Shirley N, Langridge P & Bacic A. 2008. Metabolite profiling reveals distinct changes in carbon and nitrogen metabolism in phosphate-deficient barley plants (Hordeum vulgare L). Plant and Cell Physiology. 49 : 691-703.
IpCho SVS, Tan K-C, Koh G, Gummer J, Oliver RP, Trengove RD and Solomon PS. 2010. The Transcription Factor StuA Regulates Central Carbon Metabolism, Mycotoxin Production, and Effector Gene Expression in the Wheat Pathogen Stagonospora nodorum. Eukaryotic Cell 9(7): pp 1100-1108 "Jeffrey A. Keelan, Ilias Nitsos, Masatoshi Saito, Gabrielle C. Musk, Matthew W. Kemp.
Matthew Timmins, PhD; Shaofu Li, BSc; Nobuo Yaegashi, MD, PhD; and John P. Newnham, MD 2011. Maternal-amniotic-fetal distribution of macrolide antibiotics. following intravenous, intramuscular, and intraamniotic administration in late pregnant sheep Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011;204:"
Johnson AATJ, Kyriacou BK, Callahan DLC, Carruthers LC, Stangoulis JS, Lombi EL & Tester MT. 2011. Constitutive overexpression of the OsNAS gene family reveals single-gene strategies for effective iron- and zinc-biofortification of rice endosperm. PLoS One. 6 (9)
"Kabira AH, Paltridgea NG, Roessner U & Stangoulis JCD. 2012. Mechanisms associated with Fe-deficiency tolerance.
and signaling in shoots of Pisum sativum Physiol. Plant. 2012"
Kamphuis, L.G., Williams, A.H., Küster, H., Trengove, R.D., Singh, K.B., Oliver, R.P., Ellwood, S.R. 2012. Phoma medicaginis stimulates the induction of the octadecanoid and phenylpropanoid pathways in Medicago truncatula. Molecular Plant Pathology 13 (6) , pp. 593-603
Li J, Wijffels G, Yu Y, Nielsen LK, Niemeyer D, Fisher A, Ferguson D, Schirra H. 2011. Altered fatty acid metabolism in long duration road transport: an NMR-based metabonomics study in sheep. Journal of Proteome Research
Lim DK, Garg S, Timmins M, Zhang ES, Thomas-Hall SR, Schuhmann H, Li Y, Schenk PM. 2012. Isolation and evaluation of oil-producing microalgae from subtropical coastal and brackish waters. PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e40751. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0040751. Epub 2012 Jul 11.
Liu D, Ford KL, Roessner U, Natera S, Cassin AM, Patterson JH, Bacic A . 2013. Rice suspension cultured cells are evaluated as a model system to study salt responsive networks in plants using a combined proteomic and metabolomic profiling approach. Proteomics 12-13, 2046-2062
Lowe, R.G.T., Lord, M., Rybak, K., Trengove, R.D., Oliver, R.P., Solomon, P.S. 2008. A metabolomic approach to dissecting osmotic stress in the wheat pathogen Stagonospora nodorum. Fungal Genetics and Biology 45 (11), pp. 1479-1486
Lukman A, Gong B, Marjo C, Roessner U & Harris A. 2011. Facile synthesis, stabilization, and anti-bacterial performance of discrete Ag nanoparticles using Medicago sativa seed exudates. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 353 (2) : 433-444.
Maseko T, Callahan DL, Dunshea FR, Doronila AI, Kolev SD & Ng KN. 2013. Chemical characterisation and speciation of organic selenium in cultivated selenium-enriched Agaricus bisporus. Food Chemistry. 141 : 3681-3687.
Murdoch FR, Maker GL, Nitsos I, Polglase GR and Musk GC. 2013. Intraperitoneal medetomidine: A novel analgesic strategy for postoperative pain management in pregnant sheep. Laboratory Animals, in press
Musk, G.C., Netto, J.D., Maker, G.L., Trengove, R.D. 2012. Transplacental transfer of medetomidine and ketamine in pregnant ewes. Laboratory Animals 46 (1) , pp. 46-50
Musk, GC. Netto, JD. Maker, GL. Trengove, RD. 2011. Transplacental transfer of medetomidine and ketamine in pregnant ewes. Laboratory Animals 46: 46-50.
Neilson EH, Goodger JQD, Saddik MM, Bjarnholt N, Frisch T, Olsen CE, Møller BL and Woodrow IE. 2011. Phenylalanine derived cyanogenic diglucosides from Eucalyptus camphora and their abundances in relation to ontogeny and tissue type. Phytochemistry 72 (2011) 2325–2334
Netto JD, Musk GC, Maker GL, Trengove RD. 2011. Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for the simultaneous quantitative analysis of ketamine and medetomidine in ovine plasma. Biomedical Chromatography 2011 Mar 4;
Olmstead ILD, Hill DRA, Dias DA, Jayasinghe NS, Callahan DL, Kentish SE, Scales PJ, Martin GJO. 2013. A quantitative analysis of microalgal lipids for optimization of biodiesel and omega-3 production. Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Pedrini MRS, Reid S, Nielsen LK, Chan LCL. 2011. Kinetic characterization of the Group II Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus propagated in suspension cell cultures: implications for development of a biopesticides production process. Biotechnology Progress
Pereira-Netto A, Roessner U, Fujioka S, Bacic A, Asami T, Yoshida S & Clouse S. 2009. Shooting control by brassinosteroids: metabolomic analysis and effect of brassinazole on Malus prunifolia, the Marubakaido apple-rootstock. Tree Physiology. 29 : 607-620.
Petrasovits LA, Purnell MP, Nielsen LK & Brumbley SM. 2007. Production of polyhydroxybutyrate in sugarcane. Plant Biotechnology Journal
Petrie JR, Shrestha P, Zhou X, Mansour MP, Liu Q, Belide S, Nichols PD & Singh SP. 2012. Metabolic Engineering Plant Seeds with Fish Oil-Like Levels of DHA. PLOS ONE, November Issue, Vol. 7, Issue 11, e49165
Purdy SJ, Bussell JD, Nelson DC, Villadsen D and Smith SM. 2011. A nuclear-localized protein, KOLD SENSITIV-1, affects the expression of cold-responsive genes during prolonged chilling in Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Physiology, Vol. 168, Issue 3, 15 February 2011, pp 263-269
Purdy SJ, Bussell JD, Nunn CP and Smith SM. 2013. Leaves of the Arabidopsis maltose exporter1 Mutant Exhibit a Metabolic Profile with Features of Cold Acclimation in the Warm. PLOS ONE, November 2013, Vol. 8, Issue 11, e79412
Purnell MP, Petrasovits LA, Nielsen LK & Brumbley SM. 2007. Spatio-temporal characterisation of polyhydroxybutyrate accumulation in sugarcane. Plant Biotechnology
Rao SR, Ford KF, Cassin AMC, Roessner UR, Patterson JHP & Bacic AB. 2010. Proteomic and metabolic profiling of rice suspension culture cells as a model to study abscisic acid signaling response pathways in plants. Journal of Proteome Research. 9 (12) : 6623-6634.
Renouf MA, Wegener MK & Nielsen LK. 2008. An environmental life cycle assessment comparing Australian sugarcane with US corn and UK sugar beet as producers of sugars for fermentation. Biomass & Bioenergy
Robinson AL, Mueller M, Heymann H, Ebeler SE, Boss PK, Solomon PS and Trengove RD. 2010. Effect of Simulated Shipping Conditions on Sensory Attributes and Volatile Composition of Commercial White and Red Wines. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 61:3:337-347 (2010)
Robinson AL, Adams D, Boss PK, Heymann H, Solomon PS, Trengove RD. 2011. The relationship between sensory atrributes and wine composition for Australian Cabernet Sauvignon wines. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 40 (3) pp. 327-340
Robinson AL, Boss PK, Heymann H, Solomon PS, Trengove RD. 2011. Development of a sensitive non-targeted method for characterizing the wine volatile profile using headspace solid-phase microextraction comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatogr A 2011 Jan 21;1218(3):504-17 Epub 2010 Nov 11
Robinson AL, Boss PK, Heymann H, Solomon PS, Trengove RD.2011. Influence of Yeast Strain, Canopy Management, and Site on the Volatile Composition and Sensory Attributes of Cabernet Sauvignon Wines from Western Australia. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2011 Mar 3.
Robinson AL, Ebeler SE, Heymann H, Boss PK, Solomon PS and Trengove RD. 2009. Interactions between Wine Volatile Compounds and Grape and Wine Matrix Components Influence Aroma Compound Headspace Partitioning. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2009, 57, 10313-10322
Robinson, A.L., Adams, D.O., Boss, P.K., Heymann, H., Solomon, P.S., Trengove, R.D. 2012. Influence of geographic origin on the sensort characteristics and wine composition of Vitis Vinifera cv. Cabernet Sauvignon wines from Australia. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 63 (4), pp. 467-476
Robinson, A.L., Boss, P.K., Solomon, P.S., Trengove, R.D., Heymann, H., Ebeler, S.E. 2014. Origins of grape and wine aroma. Part 1. Chemical components and viticultural impacts. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture
Roessner U & Bacic A. 2009. Metabolomics in Plant Research. Australian Biochemist. 40 : 9-11.
Roessner U & Beckles M. 2010. Metabolite Measurements. Plant Metabolic Networks. Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag , pp. 39-70
Roessner U and Dias D (eds). 2013. Plant tissue extraction for metabolomics. In: Metabolomics Tools for Natural Product Discoveries. In Methods in Molecular Biology Series. Humana Press USA (in press)
Roessner U, Beckles DM. 2012. Metabolomics in salinity research. In: Plant Salinity Tolerance. Shabala S (ed). In: Methods in Molecular Biology Series 913:203-215. Humana Press USA
Sarah J. Purdy, John D. Bussell, Christopher P. Nunn and Steven M. Smith. 2013. Leaves of the Arabidopsis maltose exporter1 Mutant Exhibit a Metabolic Profile with Features of Cold Acclimation in the Warm. PLOS ONE, November 2013, Vol. 8, Issue 11, e79412
Sarah J. Purdy, John D. Bussell, David C. Nelson, Dorthe Villadsen and Steven M. Smith. 2011. A nuclear-localized protein, KOLD SENSITIV-1, affects the expression of cold-responsive genes during prolonged chilling in Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Physiology, Vol. 168, Issue 3, 15 February 2011, pp 263-269
Shelden MC, Roessner U, Tester M, Bacic T. 2013. Genetic variation in the root growth response of barley cultivars to salinity stress. Functional Plant Biology 40, 516-530 (JIF 2.9, cited 1x)
Shelden MC, Roessner U. 2013. Advances in functional genomics for investigating salinity stress tolerance mechanisms in cereals. Frontiers in Plant Science 4, 123, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00123
Stamova B, Roessner U, Suren S, Laudencia-Chingcuanco D, Bacic A & Beckles D. 2009. Metabolic profiling of transgenic wheat over-expressing the high-molecular-weight Dx5 glutenin subunit. Metabolomics. 5 : 239-252.
Stangoulis J, Tate M, Graham R, Bucknall M, Palmer L, Boughton B and Reid R. 2010. The mechanism of boron mobility in wheat and canola phloem. Plant physiology 153 (2), 876-881
Tan S Rupasinghe T, Tull D, Boughton B, Oliver C, McSweeney C, Gras S & Augustin M. 2014. The degradation of curcuminoids by in-vitro pure culture fermentation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Manuscript ID: jf-2014-031168
Tognetti VB, Van Aken O, Morreel K, Vandenbroucke K, Van de Cotte B, De Clercq I, Chiwocha S, Fenske R, Prinsen E, Boerjan W, Genty B, Stubbs KA, Inzé D, Van Breusegem F. 2010. Perturbation of Indole-3-Butyric Acid Homeostasis by the UDP-Glucosyltransferase UGT74E2. The Plant Cell, Vol. 22: 2660-2679, August 2010Modulates Arabidopsis Architecture and Water Stress Tolerance
Tomaz T, Bagard M, Pracharoenwattana I, Lindén P, Lee CP, Carroll AJ, Ströher E, Smith SM, Gardeström P and Millar AH. 2010. Mitochondrial Malate Dehydrogenase Lowers Leaf Respiration and Alters Photorespiration and Plant Growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, Vol. 154, pp. 1143-1157
Trengove, R., Peebles, B., Rousetty, K., Bong, S., Muntean, F., Schachterle, S., Kellog, C., Jeanville, P. 2012. Pesticide residue testing of grains and oil seeds: Minimizing false positives and false negatives. American Laboratory 44 (2) , pp. 25-31
Widodo W, Patterson J, Newbigin E, Tester M, Bacic A & Roessner U. 2009. Metabolomic responses to salt stress of barley (Hordeum vulgare L) cultivars, Sahara and Clipper, which differ in salinity tolerance. Journal of Experimental Botany. 60 : 4089-4103.
Conference/Poster Presentations:
Bacic A, Bowne JB, Izanloo A, Juttner J, Schnurbushct T, Erwin T, Baumann U,. Langridge P, Fincher GB, Roessner U. 2008. Metabolomics of three wheat cultivars with different drought tolerance. Gordon Research Conference - Salt & Water Stress In Plants, Big Sky, Montana, USA.
Bindon, K. A., Valera, C., Holt, H., Williamson, P., Kennedy, J. A., Francis, I. L. and Herderich, M. From grape to consumer: relationship between grape maturity, wine composition and wine sensory properties in Cabernet Sauvignon. 15th AWITC, Sydney, Australia, 2013.
Bindon, K. From grape to consumer: relationship between grape maturity, wine composition and wine sensory properties in Cabernet Sauvignon. 15th AWITC, Sydney, Australia, 2013.
Borisjuk N, Bi Huihui, Dias DA, Roessner U, Kovalchuk N, Shavrukov Y, Landridge P, Hrmova M, Lopato S. 2014. Biodiversity of leaf cuticle waxes in relation to drought tolerance in wheat. Poster Presentation: . International Association of Plant Biotechnology, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Melbourne 10th-15th August, 2014.
Borisjuk N, Bi Huihui, Dias DA, Roessner U, Kovalchuk N, Shavrukov Y, Landridge P, Hrmova M, Lopato S. 2014. Biodiversity of leaf cuticle waxes in relation to drought tolerance in wheat. Poster Presentation: American Society of Plant Biologists, Portland, Oregon, USA, 12th-16th July, 2014
Callahan DL, Foroughi S, Bacic A and Roessner U. 2010. Isotope pattern recognition in LC-MS metabolomic data allows identification of metal complexes in leaf extracts from metal-hyperaccumulating plants. Advances in metabolite profiling, Italy.
Callahan DL, Foroughi S, Pelzing M & Roessner U. 2012. A study of metal hyperaccumulating plants with capillary zone electrophoresis-QTOF-MS. Poster: 60th meeting of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Carew, A. Microwave maceration of Pinot Noir: phenolically equivalent, aromatically distinct. 15th AWITC, Sydney, Australia, 2013.
Carew, A., Lloyd, N., Close, D. C. and Dambergs, R. G. Microwave maceration of Pinot Noir: phenolically equivalent, aromatically distinct. 15th AWITC, Sydney, Australia, 2013.
Hayes, A., Gang M Jin, G. M., Jiranek V. and Grbin, P. Microbiological and chemical characterisation of indigenous versus inoculated wine fermentations: the role of bacteria. 15th AWITC, Sydney, Australia, 2013.
Henschke, P. A., Varela, C., Schmidt, S. A., Torrea, D., Vilanova, M., Siebert, T. E., Kolouchova, R., Ugliano, M., Ancin-Azpilicueta, C., Curtin, C. D., Chambers, P. J. and Francis, I. L. DAP – a powerful wine aroma & style tool: case studies with Albariño and Chardonnay. 15th AWITC, Sydney, Australia, 2013.
Higginson, E. G., Thomas, M. R. and Ford, C. M. Discovering and characterising genes involved in tartaric and malic acid metabolism. 15th AWITC, Sydney, Australia, 2013.
Hill CB, Jha D, Jayasinghe ns, Bacic A, Tester M, Roessner U. 2011. Characterization of ion contents and metabolic responses to salt stress of different AtHKT1;1 genotypes and their parental strains in Arabidopsis thaliana. 7th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, Cairns, Australia.
Lloyd, N., Hack, J., Solomon, M., Hysenaj, V., Parker, M. and Herderich, M. Targeted and non-targeted analysis of grape and wine metabolites. 15th AWITC, Sydney, Australia, 2013.
Messina A, Green PT, Hoebee SE , Walsh NG, Callahan DL. 2011. Metabolomic profiling: a promising new approach in plant taxonomy and systematic. XVIII IBC Melbourne Australia
Patterson JH, Ford KL, Bowne JB, Roessner u and Bacic A. 2009. Comprehensive Analysis of Drought Responses in Wheat. 14th Lorne Proteomics Symposium.
Rawlinson C, Dias DA, Nahid A, Risk J, Rybak K, Oliver R, Solomon P, Maker G, Tan K, DeSouza D, Trengove R and Roessner U. 2011. Metabolomics Study of the Wheat Defensome under Pathogen Challenge – Inter-laboratory GC/MS Method Development. 7th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, Cairns, Australia.
Shelden MC, Bacic A, Dias DA, Tyerman SD and Roessner U. 2014. Spatial metabolic profiling of the barley root in response to salt stress. Poster Presentation: Combio2014, National Convention Centre, Canberra, ACT, Australia, 28th-2th Sep-Oct, 2014.
Wijffels G, Natera S, De Livera AM, Jayasinghe NS, Dias DA, Andronicos N, Hunt PW, Ingham A, Roessner U. 20111. The Metabolic Responses to Infection by the Gastrointestinal Parasite, Haemonchus contortus, in Genetically Resistant and Susceptible Sheep: a Study by GC-MS Metabolomics. 7th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, Cairns, Australia.
Abbiss HA, Maker GL, Gummer JPA, Sharman MJ, Phillips JK, Boyce M and Trengove RD. 2011. Development of a non-targeted metabolomics method to investigat urine in a rat model of polycystic kidney disease. Nephrology 17: 104-110.
Abbiss, H., Maker, G.L., Gummer, J., Sharman, M.J., Phillips, J.K., Boyce, M., Trengove, R.D. 2012. Development of a non-targeted metabolomics method to investigate urine in a rat model of polycystic kidney disease. Nephrology 17 (2) , pp. 104-110
Assche RV, Temmerman L, Dias DA, Boughton B, Boonen K, Braeckman BP, Schoofs L and Roessner U. 2014. Metabolic profiling of transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans Alzheimer model.
Chia LC, Reid SL, Licari MK, Guelfi KJ. 2013. A comparison of the oxygen cost and physiological responses to running in children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder. Res Dev Disabil. 2013 Jul;34(7):2098-106. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2013.03.023. Epub 2013 Apr 30.
Dias DA. and Roessner U. 2013. Applications of Metabolomics to Investigate Pathogenic Microorganisms for Human Health
Dias DA. and Roessner U. 2014. Applications of Metabolomics in the Study of Pathogenic Microorganisms and their effects on Human Health. In Jones, OAH (Editor) Metabolomics and Systems Biology in Human Health and Medicine.
Doran M, Aird I, Marturana F, Timmins NE, Atkinson K, Nielsen LK. 2011. Hich Cell Density Bioreactor Production of Blood Products. Cell Transplantation
Doran MR, Markway B, Clark A, Athanasas-Platsis S, Brooke G, Atkinson K, Nielsen LK & Cooper-White JJ. 2010. Membrane bioreactors enhance microenvironmental conditioning and tissue development. Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods
Doran MR, Markway BD, Aird IA, Rowlands AS, George PA, Nielsen LK & Cooper-White JJ. 2009. Surface-bound stem cell factor and the promotion of hematopoietic cell expansion. Biomaterials
Gay MCL, Mullaney I, Trinder D, Olynyk JK and Trengove RD. 2010. Quantitative assay of urinary hepcidin using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Analytical Methods, 2 (3) pp 268-274
Hines M, Nielsen LK & Cooper-White J. 2008. The hematopoietic stem cell niche: what are we trying to replicate? Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology
Karnezis T, Shayan R, Caesar C, Roufail S, Harris NC, Ardipradja K, Zhang YF, Williams SP, Farnsworth RH, Chai MG, Rupasinghe T, Tull DL, Baldwin ME, Sloan. EK, Fox SB, Achen MG & Stacker SA. 2012. VEGF-D promotes tumor metastasis by regulating prostaglandins produced by the collecting lymphatic endothelium. Cancer Cell 21, 181-195.
Kendall M, Batterham M, Callahan DL, Jardine D, Prenzler PD, Robards K & Ryan D. 2012. Randomized controlled study of the urinary excretion of biophenols following acute and chronic intake of olive leaf supplements. Food Chemistry. 130 : 651-659.(Not Final)
King G, Damas JE, Cake MH, Berryman D and Maker GL. 2014. Influence of glucocorticoids, neuregulin-1b and sex on surfactant phospholipid secretion from type II cells’. American Journal of Physiology: Lung Cell and Molecular Physiology, 306: L292-L298.
King G, Maker GL, Berryman D, Trengove RD and Cake MH. 2014. Role of neuregulin-1b in dexamethasone-enhanced surfactant synthesis in fetal type II cells. FEBS Letters, 588: 975-980.
Leung A, Lawrie G, Nielsen LK & Trau M. 2008. Synthesis and characterization of alginate/poly-L-ornithine/alginate microcapsules for local immunosuppression. Journal of Microencapsulation
Leung A, Nielsen LK, Trau M & Timmins NE. 2010. Tissue transplantation by stealth – coherent alginate microcapsules for immunoisolation. Biochemical Engineering Journa
Leung A, Trau M & Nielsen LK. 2009. Assembly of multilayer PSS/PAH membrane on coherent alginate/PLO microcapsule for long-term graft transplantation. Biomedical Materials Research
Lopresti AL, Maker GL, Hood SD and Drummond PD. 2014. A review of peripheral biomarkers in major depression: The potential of inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers’. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 48: 102-111.
MacRae JI, Sheiner L, Nahid A, Tonkin C, Striepen B, McConville MJ. 2012. Mitochondrial metabolism of glucose and glutamine is required for intracellular growth of Toxoplasma gondii
Maker GL, Siva B, Batty KT, Trengove RD, Ferrari P and Olynyk JK. 2013. Pharmacokinetics and safety of deferasirox in subjects with chronic kidney disease undergoing haemodialysis. Nephrology 18: 188-193
Markworth, J. F., Vella, L., Lingard, B. S., Tull, D. L., Rupasinghe, T. W., Sinclair, A. J., Maddipati, K. R. & Cameron-Smith, D. 2013. Human inflammatory and resolving lipid mediator responses to resistance exercise and ibuprofen treatment
Marturana F, Timmins NE, Nielsen LK. 2011. Short term exposure of umbilical cord blood CD34+ cells to GM-CSF early in culture improves ex vivo expansion of neutrophils. Cytotherapy Michael W. Clarke, Robert C. Tuckey, Shelley Gorman, Barbara Holt, Prue H. Hart. 2013. Optimized 25-hydroxyvitamin D analysis using liquid-liquid extraction with 2D separation with LC/MS/MS detection, provides superior precision compared to conventional assays. Metabolomics Online First Articles
Nestel PJ, Straznicky N, Mellett NA, Wong G, De Souza DP, Tull DL, Barlow CK, Grima MT & Meikle PJ. 2014. Specific plasma lipid classes and phospholipid fatty acids indicative of dairy food consumption associate with insulin sensitivity.
Nestel, P. J., Straznicky. N., Mellett, N., Wong, G., De Souza, D. P., Tull, D. L., Grima, M. T., Barlow, C. K. & Meikle, P. J. 2013. Specific plasma lipid classes and phospholipid fatty acids indicative of dairy food consumption associate with diminished insulin resistance
Ng Hublin JSY, Ryan U, Trengove R and Maker G. 2013. Metabolomic profiling of faecal extracts from Cryptosporidium parvum infection in experimental mouse models. PLOS One, 8: 1-7.
Oliver Keech, Wenxu Zhou, Ricarda Fenske, Catherine Colas-des-Frans-Small, John Bussell, Murray Badger and Steven Smith. 2012. The Genetic Dissection of a Short-Term Response to Low CO2 Supports the Possibility for Peroxide-Mediated Decarboxylation of Photorespiratory Intermediates in the Peroxisome. Molecular Plant, Volume 5, Number 6, Pages 1413–1416, November 2012
Raddatz K, Frangioudakis G, Diakanastasis B, Liao BM, Leitges M & Schmitz-Peiffer C. 2012. Deletion of protein kinase Cε in mice has limited effects on liver metabolite levels but alters fasting ketogenesis and gluconeogenesis.
Sheedy JR, Ebeling PR, Gooley PR and McConville MJ. 2009. A sample preparation protocol 1H-NMR studies of water-soluble metabolites in blood and urine. Anal. Biochem.
Temmerman L, Bowne J, De Livera AM, Sheedy JR, Callaghan DL, Schoofs L, Tull DL, McConville MJ, Olayfair J, O’Brian PE, Roessner U, Wentworth JM. 2012. The urine metabolome in experimental hyperglycermia
Temmerman L, De Livera AM, Bowne J, Sheedy JR, Callahan DL, Nahid A, De Souza DP, Schoofs L, Tull DL, McConville MJ, Playfair J, O’Brien PE, Roessner U. & Wentworth JM. 2012. Cross platform urine metabolomics of experimental hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes Journal of Diabetes and Metabolism, in press]
Timmins NE & Nielsen LK. 2009. Blood cell manufacture: current methods and future challenges. Trends in Biotechnology
Timmins NE, Palfreyman E, Marturana F, Dietmair S, Luikenga S, Lopez G, Fung YL, Minchinton R & Nielsen LK. 2009. Clinical scale ex vivo manufacture of Neutrophils from hematopoietic progenitor cells. Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Van Assche R, Temmerman L, Dias DA, Boughton BA, Boonen K, Braeckman BP, Schoofs L, Roessner U. 2014. Metabolic profiling of a transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans Alzheimer model.
Vodstrcil L, Rupasinghe T, Tull D, Worthington KA, Chen MY, Huston WM, Fairley CK, Mcconville M, Tabrizi S & Hocking JS. 2013. P2.082 Post-Treatment Detection of Azithromycin in High-Vaginal Swabs Using Liquid Chromatography and Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
Wicks JR, Oldridge NB, Nielsen LK, Vickers CV. 2011. HEART RATE INDEX - a simple method for prediction of oxygen uptake. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Wicks JR, Oldridge NB, Nielsen LK, Vickers CV. 2011. HEART RATE INDEX - a simple method for prediction of oxygen uptake. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2011. HEART RATE INDEX - a simple method for prediction of oxygen uptake. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Wong HS, Townsend KM, Fenwick SG, Maker G, Trengove RD, O'Handley RM. 2010. Comparative susceptibility of Salmonella Typhimurium biofilms of different ages to disinfectants. The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research, 2010 Oct;26(7):859-64
Conference/Poster Presentations:
De Souza D, Ross S, O’Callaghan S, Tull D, McConville M, Grey P. 2012. Elucidation of normal human epidermal keratinocyte (NHEK) metabolic pathways using 13C-stable isotope incorporation. Metabolomics Society Conference, Washington, USA.
De Souza D, Ross S, Silva C, O’Callaghan S, Tull DL, McConville MJ and Gray P. 2011. Elucidation of Normal Human Epidermal Keratinocyte (NHEK) metabolic pathways using 13C-stable isotope incorporation. 7th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, Cairns, Australia.
Decuypere S, Pyke J, Tull D, Buddhisa S, McConville M, M. Blackwell J, Lertmemongkolchai G. 2012. Metabolomics in infectious disease research, the case of melioidosis. Metabolomics Society Conference, Washington, USA.
Deliyanti D, Miller AG, Binger KJ, Tan G, Sutton L, Jayamanne M, Rupasinghe T, Tull DL, McConville M, Wilkinson-Berka JL. 2011. FAD286, an aldosterone synthase inhibitor, reduces retinal neovascularization. 47th Annual Meeting European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Lisbon, Portugal.
Deliyanti D, Miller AG, Binger KJ, Tan G, Sutton L, Jayamanne M, Rupasinghe T, Tull DL, McConville M, Wilkinson-Berka JL. 2011. FAD286, an aldosterone synthase inhibitor, reduces retinal neovascularization. High Blood Pressure Council Meeting Orlando, Florida.
Gran P, Larsen AE, Bonham MP, Dordevic AL, Rupasinghe T, Silva C, Nahid A, Tull DL, Cameron-Smith D. 2011. Muscle anabolic signalling in response to a protein-rich meal: influence of protein composition and insulin resistance. International Symposium Dietary Protein for Human Health, New Zealand.
Hardie, Rae-Anne; Ellen Van Dam, Mary Iconomou, Robert Shearer, Marina Pajic, Andrew V Biankin, Sean M Grimmond, Mark Cowley, Warren Kalan, Vanessa Hayes, Nigel Trunre and Darren N Saunders. 2013. Mitochondrial mutations and metabolic profiling of pancreatic cancer. Oral Talk: Lowy Symposium May 2013
Jayamanne M, Rupasinghe T, Nahid A, Markworth J, Vella L, Cameron-Smith D,. McConville M, Tull D. 2011. Development of methods for extraction and LCMS profiling of eicanoids in human serum and skeletal muscle tissue to investigate the effects of anti-inflammatory interventions on muscles in response to resistance exercise. Lorne Proteomics ConferencE.
Sheedy JR, Ebeling PR, Nahid A, Tull DL, Gooley PR, Kukuljan S, Daly RM. 2010. Urinary Metabolomic profiling of a calcium/vitamin-D and exercise intervention in older men by 1H0NMR spectroscopy. 2nd Australasian Symposium on Metabolomics, Melbourne , Australia
Silva C, Gran P, Rupasinghe T, Boughton B, Callahan D, Nahid A, Cameron-Smith D, McConville M, Tull D. 2011 Quantitative analysis of free amino acids in skeletal muscle tissue and plasma. Lorne Proteomics Conference,.
De Meyer, S.E., Cnockaert, M., Ardley, J.K., Trengove, R.D., Garau, G., Howieson, J.G., Vandamme, P. 2013. Burkholderia rhynchosiae sp. nov., isolated from Rhynchosia ferulifolia root nodules. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
Gummer, J.P., Waters, O.D.C., Krill, C., Du Fall, L., Trengove, R.D., Oliver, R.P and Solomon, P.S. 2011. Metabolomic Protocols for filamentous fungi (book chapter). Methods in Molecular Biology
Gummer, J.P.A., Krill, C., Du Fall, L., Waters, O.D.C., Trengove, R.D., Oliver, R.P., Solomon, P.S. 2012. Metabolomics protocols for filamentous fungi. Methods in Molecular Biology 835 , pp. 237-254
Lowe RGT, Lord M, Rybak K, Trengove RD, Oliver RP and Solomon PS. 2009. Trehalose biosynthesis is involved in sporulation of Stagonospora nodorum. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 46, pp. 381-389
Solomon, P.S., Rybak, K., Trengove, R.D., Oliver, R.P. 2013. Investigating the role of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases in Stagonospora nodorum. Molecular Microbiology
Tan K-C, Ip Cho SVS, Trengove RD, Oliver RP and Solomon PS. 2009. Assessing the impact of transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics on fungal phytopathology. Molecular Plant Pathology, 10, pp. 703-715
Conference/Poster Presentations:
Likic VL, Mcconville MM, Lithgow & Bacic AB. 2010. Systems Biology: The Next Frontier for Bioinformatics. Advances in Bioinformatics. 2010 : 268925.
De Livera AM, Dias DA, De Souza D, Rupasinghe T, Pyke J, Tull D, Roessner U, McConville M, Speed TP. 2012. Normalizing and integrating metabolomics data Analytical Chemistry 84(24) 10768-10776
O'Callaghan S, DeSouza DP, Isaac A, Wang Q, Hodkinson L, Olshansky M, Erwin T, Appelbe B, Tull DL, Roessner U, Bacic A, McConville MJ, Likic VA. 2012. PyMS: a Python toolkit for processing of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) data. Application and comparative study of selected tools. BMC Bioinformatics 13, 115. Cited 2)
Quek L-E & Nielsen LK. 2008. On the reconstruction of the Mus musculus genome-scale metabolic network model. Genome Informatics
Quek L-E, Wittmann c, Nielsen LK, and Krömer JO. 2009. OpenFLUX: efficient modelling software for 13C-based metabolic flux analysis. Microb Cell Fact
Quek, L.E., S. Dietmair, J.O. Krömer, and L.K. Nielsen. 2010. Metabolic flux analysis in mammalian cell culture. Metab. Eng.
Roessner U, Nahid A, Hunter , Brad & Bellgard . 2011. Metabolomics - the combination of analytical chemistry, biology and informatics. Comprehensive Biotechnology. New York, United States: Elsevier Science , pp. 447-459 .
Victoria C. Cogger, Ute Roessner, Alessandra Warren, Robin Fraser, David G. Le Couteur. 2013. A Sieve-Raft Hypothesis for the regulation of endothelial fenestrations Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, Volume No: 8, Issue: 11, August 2013.
Conference/Poster Presentations:
Bowne J, Rupasinghe T, Nahid A, McConville MJ, V. Likic VA, Tull DL. 2011. Scripting an Automated Lipid Analysis Workflow Using R. 7th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, Cairns, Australia.
Dayalan S, O’Callaghan S, Power B, MacGregor A, Wellington C, Szabo T, Hunter A, Bellgard M, De Souza D, Tull DL, Roessner U, Bacic A, McConville MJ and Likic VA. 2011. Web PyMS: An interactive web based gas chromatography - mass spectrometry data processing tool. 7th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, Cairns, Australia.
Dayalan S, Szabo T, Power B, Hunter A, Bellgard M, De Souza D, Hack J, Callahan DL, Roessner U, McConville MJ, Bacic A, Likic VA. 2010. Web based GC-MS and LC-MS Mass Spectral Library Framework for Geographically Distributed Labs. 2nd Australasian Symposium on Metabolomics, Melbourne , Australia
Dayalan S., et. al. 2013. MAMBO-MS: A Web-Based GC-MS and LC-MS Mass Spectral Library Management System Poster Presentation - 9th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, Glasgow, UK, Jul 2013.
De Livera AM, Dias DA, De Souza D, Rupasinghe T, Pyke J, Tull D, Roessner U, McConville M, Speed TP 2012. Normalizing and integrating metabolomics data Poster: Metabolomics Society Conference, Washington, USA
Nahid A, Olshansky M, DeSouza D, Dias DA, Rawlinson C, Silva C, Maker G, Tull D, Roessner U, McConville MJ, Bacic A, Trengove R and Speed TP Risk 2011. Analysis of Inter-laboratory Metabolomics Experiments Oral 7th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, Cairns, Australia
Nahid A, Olshansky M, DeSouza D, Dias DA, Rawlinson C, Silva C, Maker G, Tull DL, Roessner U, McConville MJ, Bacic A, Trengove R and Speed TP. 2011. Risk Analysis of Inter-laboratory Metabolomics Experiments. 7th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, Cairns, Australia.
O’Callaghan S, De Souza D, Bacic A, McConville MJ and Likic VA. 2011. Common Ion Approach for accurate quantitation of GC-MS metabolomics data. 7th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, Cairns, Australia.
O’Callaghan S, Neumann S, Hoffmann ED and Likic VA. 2011. The mzML vendor-neutral data format for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). 7th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, Cairns, Australia.
O'Callaghan S, McConville M, Bacic A & Likic AL. 2012. Automated peak annotation in non-targeted GC-MS based metabolomics Poster: The Tenth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, Jan 17-19th, Melbourne, Australia
Berven, B.M., Koutsantonis, G.A., Skelton, B.W., Trengove, R.D., White, A.H. 2011. Highly fluorous complexes of nickel, palladium and platinum: Solubility and catalysis in high pressure CO2. Dalton Transactions 40 (16), pp. 4167-4174
Boughton BA, Callahan DL, Silva C, Bowne J, Nahid A, Rupasinghe T, Tull DL, McConville MJ, Bacic A, Roessner U. 2011. Comprehensive Profiling and Quantitation of Amine Group Containing Metabolites Analytical Chemistry. 83 (19) : 7523-7530
Callahan D, De Souza D, Bacic A & Roessner U. 2009. Profiling of polar metabolites in biological extracts using diamond hydride based hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography. Journal of Separation Science. 32 : 2273-2280.
Capone, D., Siebert, T., Francis, L., Lloyd, N. And Herderich, M. 2012. Tools of the detective trade. Technical Review No. 199, August 2012.
Duke M, Lim A, da Luz S & Nielsen L. 2008. Lactic acid enrichment with inorganic nanofiltration and molecular sieving membranes by pervaporation. Food and Bioproducts Processing
Jayasinghe NS and Dias DA 2013. A robust method for the quantitation of fatty acids in biological systems. In Roessner, U. and Dias, DA. (Editors) Methods in Molecular Biology, Metabolomics Tools for Natural Product Discoveries, Humana Press, New York, USA
Kandil, ME. May, EF. Graham, BF. Marsh, KN. Trebble, MA. Trengove, RD. Huang, SH. 2010. Vapor-Liquid Equilibria Measurements of Methane + 2-Methylpropane (Isobutane) at temperatures from (150 to 250) K and pressures to 9 MPA. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. 55(8) pp. 2725-2731
Pyke, James; Callahan, Damien; Kanojia, Komal; Bowne, Jairus; Sahani, Sheena; Tull, Dedreia; Bacic, Antony; McConville, Malcolm J. ; Roessner, Ute. 2014. A tandem liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) method for profiling small molecules in complex samples. Analytical Chemistry.
Rupasinghe T. 2013. Lipidomics: extraction protocols for biological matrices. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1055 : 71-80.
Watson CJ, De Souza DP, Silva C, Tull D, Garland SM & Lawson L. 2012. Attempt to detect Allium sativum derived allyl sulphides from human saliva after consumption of enteric coated garlic tablets using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Letters in Applied Microbiology. Manuscript ID: LAM-2012-1929
Wijetunge CD, Li Z, Saeed I, Bowne J, Hsu AL, Roessner U, Bacic A, Halgamuge SK. 2013. Exploratory analysis of high-throughput metabolomic data Metabolomics (doi: 10.1007/s11306-013-0545-6) (JIP 3.6)
Conference/Poster Presentations:
Boughton B, Callahan DL, Bacic A and Roessner U. 2010. Quantitation of Biogenic Amines using LC-Triple Quadrupole-ESI-MS. Metabolomics 2010, The Netherlands.
Callahan DL, Pesek J, Pesek M, De Souza D, Bacic A and Roessner U. 2009. Metabolite Profiling of Biological Extracts. 14th Lorne Proteomics Symposium.
Dias DA and Roessner U. 2011. Metabolomics: Technical Developments and its Applications in Agriculture. International Conference of Natural Products ICNP, Putrajaya, Malaysia, 2011
Dias DA, Harden N and Roessner. 2011. Application of gas chromatography-low thermal mass-mass spectrometry to profile and dereplicate natural product extracts Oral: International Conference of Natural Products ICNP, Putrajaya, Malaysia, 2011
O'Callaghan S, McConville MJ, Bacic A, and Likic V. 2012. Automated peak annotation in non-targeted GC-MS based metabolomics. The Tenth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Pyke JS, McConville MJ, Bacic A, Roessner U, Callahan DL. 2010. A new approach to metabolite profiling using tandem liquid chromatography. Metabolomics 2010, The Netherlands.
Bizaj, E., Cordente, A. G., Bellon, J. R., Raspor, P. Curtin, C. D. and Pretorius, S. I. 2012. A novel breeding strategy to harness flavour diversity of Saccharomyces interspecific hybrids and minimise hydrogen sulphide production. FEMS yeast research, 12(4), p. 46.
Archer CT, Kim JF, Jeong H, Park JH, Vickers CE, Lee SY, Nielsen LK. 2011. The genome sequence of E. coli W (ATCC 9637): comparative genome analysis and an improved genome-scale reconstruction of E. coli. BMC Genomics
Blank LM, Hugenholtz P & Nielsen LK. 2008. Evolution of the hyaluronic acid synthesis has operon in Streptococcus zooepidemicus and other pathogenic streptococci. Journal of Molecular Evolution
Chen W, Marcellin E, Hung J & Nielsen LK. 2009. Hyaluronan molecular weight is controlled by UDP-N-acetylglucosamine concentration in Streptococcus zooepidemicus. Journal of Biological Chemistry
Dagley M J, Gentle I E , Beilharz T H, Pettolino F A, Djordjevic J T, Lo T L, Uwamahoro N, Rupasinghe T, Tull D L, McConville M, Beaurepaire C, Nantel A, Lithgow T, Mitchell A P and Traven A. 2011. Cell wall integrity is linked to mitochondria and phospholipid homeostasis in Candida albicans through the activity of the posttranscriptional regulator Ccr4-Pop2. Molecular Microbiology 79, 968-989
Joachimsthal EL, Reeves RKH, Hung J, Nielsen LK, Ouwerkerk D, Klieve AV Vickers CE. 2010. Production of bacteriocins by Streptococcus bovis strains from Australian ruminants. Journal of Applied Microbiology
"Kjer-Nielsen L, Patel O, Corbett AJ, Le Nours J, Meehan B, Liu L, Bhati M,Chen Z, Kostenko L, Reantragoon R, Williamson NA, Purcell AW, Dudek NL, McConville MJ, O’Hair RAJ, Khairallah GN, Godfrey DI, Fairlie DP, Rossjohn J & McCluskey J. 2012. MR1 presents microbial vitamin B metabolites to MAIT.
Nature 491(7426), 717-723."
Koebmann BJ, Blank LM, Solem C, Petranovic D, Nielsen LK & Jensen PR. 2008. Increased biomass yield of Lactococcus lactis during energetically limited growth and respiratory conditions. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry
Kouremenos K.A., Beale D.J., Antti H., Palombo E.A. 2014. Liquid chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry based environmental metabolomics for the analysis of Pseudomonas putida Bacteria in potable water. Journal of Chromatography B, DOI: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2014.02.058
Kroemer, J., Nunez-Bernal, D., Averesch, N., Hampe, J., Varela, J. & Varela, C. 2013. Production of aromatics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae - a feasibility study. Journal of Biotechnol., Jan 20;163(2):184-93.
Krömer JO, Bolten CJ, Heinzle E, Schroder H, and Wittmann C. 2008.Physiological response of Corynebacterium glutamicum to oxidative stress induced by deletion of the transcriptional repressor McbR. Microbiology
Lee JW, Choi S, Park JH, Vickers CE, Nielsen LK, Lee SY. 2010. Development of sucrose-utilizing Escherichia coli K-12 strain by cloning β-fructofuranosidases and its application for L-threonine production. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol
Lee SY, Park JH, Jang SH, Nielsen LK, Kim J & Jung KS. 2008. Fermentative butanol production by Clostridia. Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Marcellin E, Chen W & Nielsen LK. 2010. Understanding plasmid effect on hyaluronic acid molecular weight produced by Streptococcus equi subsp. Zooepidemicus. Metabolic Engineering
Marcellin E, Nielsen LK, Abeydeera P, and Krömer JO. 2009. Quantitative analysis of intracellular sugar phosphates and sugar nucleotides in encapsulated streptococci using HPAEC-PAD. Biotechnol J
Nicolas C, Kiefer P, Letisse F, Krömer J, Massou S, Soucaille P, Wittmann C, Lindley ND, and Portais JC. 2007. Response of the central metabolism of Escherichia coli to modified expression of the gene encoding the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. FEBS Lett
Rabaey K, Girguis P, Nielsen LK. 2011. Metabolic and practical considerations on microbial electrosynthesis. Current Opinion in Biotechnology
Rainczuk AK, Yamaryo-Botte Y, Brammananth R, Stinear TP, TSeemann T, Coppel RL, McConville MJ and Crellin PK. 2012. The lipoprotein LpqW is essential for the mannosylation of periplasmic glycolipids in Corynebacteria. J. Biol. Chem. 287(51), 427260-42738. *Equal senior authors
Renouf MA, Wegener MK & Nielsen LK. 2008. An environmental life cycle assessment comparing Australian sugarcane with US corn and UK sugar beet as producers of sugars for fermentation. Biomass & Bioenergy
"Schmidt S.A., S. S. Jacob, S. B. Ahn, T. Rupasinghe, J. O. Kromer, A. Khan, C. Varela. 2013. Two strings to the systems biology bow: co-extracting the metabolome and proteome of yeast. Metabolomics, 2013, 9 (1) 173 -188. "
Schmidt, S. S., Jacob, S. S., Ahn, S. B., Rupasinghe, T., Krömer, J. O., Khan, A. and Varela, C. 2012. Two strings to the systems biology bow - co-extracting the metabolome and proteome of yeast. Metabolomics. p 1-16.
Schneider K, Krömer JO, Wittmann C, Alves-Rodriguez I, Meyerhans A, Diez J, and Heinzle E. 2009. Metabolite profiling studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: an assisting tool to prioritize host targets for antiviral drug screening. Microb Cell Fact
Song H, Kim TY, Choi B-K, Choi SJ, Nielsen L, Chang HN & Lee SY. 2008. Development of chemically defined medium for Mannheimia succiniciproducens based on its genome sequence. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
Timmins M, Zhou W, Lim L, Thomas-Hall SR, Doebbe A, Kruse O, Hankamer B, Marx UC, Smith SM, Schenk PM. 2009. The Metabolome of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii following Induction of Anaerobic H2 Production by Sulfur Depletion. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 284, No. 35, pp. 23425, August 28, 2009
Vickers, C.E., L.M. Blank, and J.O. Krömer. 2010. Grand Challenge Commentary: Chassis cells for industrial biochemical production. Nat Chem Biol
Wittmann C, Weber J, Betiku E, Krömer J, Bohm D, and Rinas U. 2007. Response of fluxome and metabolome to temperature-induced recombinant protein synthesis in Escherichia coli. J Biotechnol.
Wong HS. Tounsend KM. Fenwick SG. Trengove RD and O'Handley RM. 2009. Comparative susceptibility of planktonic and 3-day-old Salmonella Typhimurium biofilms to disinfectants. Journal of Applied Microbiology 108 (6) pp. 2222-2228.
Conference/Poster Presentations:
Bearden, DW, RD Berger, D Broadhurst, W Dunn, A Edison, C Guillou, R Trengove, M Viant, I Wilson. 2014. The new data quality task group: ensuring high quality data today and in the future. Metabolomics
Creek DJ, WB Dunn, O Fiehn, JL Griffin, RD Hall, Z Lei, R Mistrik, S Newmann, EL Schymanski, LW Sumner, R Trengove, JL Wolfender. 2014. Metabolite identification: are you sure? And how do your peers gauge your confidence. Metabolomics
Dayalan S, O'Callaghan S, DeSouza DP, Power B, Szabo T, Hunter A, Bellgard M, Tull DL, Roessner U, Likic VA, McConville MJ & Bacic A. 2012. Metabolomics Australia and its Bioinformatics Capabilities. MetaboNews May 2012
Griffin J, Dunn W & Roessner U. 2011. NEWS: 2nd Australasian Symposium on Metabolomics. Metabolomics (2011) 7:151–153, DOI 10.1007/s11306-011-0280-9
Hall RD, Wishart DS & Roessner U. 2011. Metabolomics and the move towards biology. Metabolomics (2011) 7:454–456
McConville MJ. 2009. Metabolomics: Bridging the Phenotype-Genotype Gap. Australian Biochemist.
Roessner U & Bowne JB. 2009. What is metabolomics all about? Biotechniques. 46 (5) : 363-365.
Roessner U (Ed). 2012. Metabolomics. InTech Open Access Publisher. InTech Open Access Publisher
Roessner U, Nahid A, Chapman B, Hunter A, and Bellgard M. 2011. Metabolomics – The Combination of Analytical Biochemistry, Biology, and Informatics. Comprehensive Biotechnology, Second Edition, volume 1, pp. 447–459.
Roessner U. 2014. Salt of the Earth. International Innovation Issue 154 p90-92
Conference/Poster Presentations:
Morita YS, ,Yamaryo-Botte Y, , Miyanagi K, Callaghan JM, Patterson JH, Crellin PK, Coppel RL, Billman-Jacobe H, Kinoshita T & McConville MJ. 2010. Stress induced synthesis of phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate in mycobacteria. Journal of Biological Science 285(22):16643-50
Botte C, Yamaryo-Botte Y, Janouskovec J, Rupasinghe T, Keeling P, Crellin P, Coppel R, Marechal E, Mcconville M & Mcfadden G. 2011. Identification of Plant-like Galactolipids in Chromera velia, a Photosynthetic Relative of Malaria Parasites Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286 (34) :29893-29903
"Botte C, Yamaryo-Botte Y, Rupasinghe TWT, Mullin KA, Macrae JI, Spurck T, Kalanon M, Shears MJ, Coppel RL, Crellin PK, Marechal E, Mcconville MJ & Mcfadden GI.
2013. Atypical lipid composition in the purified relict plastid (Apicoplast) of malaria parasite
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110 (18) : 7506-7511. "
Botté CY, Mullin KA, Yamaryo-Botté Y, Rupasinghe T, Spurck T, Kalanon M, Coppel R, Maréchal E, McConville MJ* and McFadden GI* *corresponding authors. 2013. The malaria parasite apicoplast lipid composition revealed by purification and lipidomic analysis Provisionally accepted PNAS
Cao B, Chen XQ, Yamaryo-Botte Y, Richardson M, Martin K, Khairallah GN, Rupasinghe TWT, O’Flaherty RM, O’Hair RAJ, Ralton JE, Crellin PK, Coppel RL, McConville MJ* and Williams SJ* *corresponding authors. 2013. Synthesis, structural elucidation and biochemical analysis of immunoactive glucuronosyl diacylglycerides of Mycobacteria and Corynebacteria. Journal of Organic Chemistry accepted Jan 30. *corresponding authors
Creek DJ, Nijagal B, Kim D, Rojas F, Matthews KR and Barrett MP. 2013. Metabolomics guides rational development of a simplified cell culture medium for drug screening against Trypanosoma brucei Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013 June; 57(6): 2768–2779. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00044-13
Heng J., Saunders, E. C., Gooley, P. R., McConville, M. J., Naderer, T. & Tull, D. 2013. Membrane targeting of the small myristoylated protein 2 (SMP-2) in Leishmania major Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 190, 1-5.
MacRae J.I., Rupasinghe T., Lopaticki S., Cowman A.F., Tull D. and McConville M. 2013. Application of mass spectrometry techniques in lipid biosynthesis pathway mapping of intracellular organelles of Plasmodium falciparum Abstract; ANZSMS24, Feb 2013, Mlbourne, Australia
Macrae JI, Lopaticki S, Maier AG, Rupasinghe T, Nahid A, Cowman AF & Mcconville MJ. 2014. Plasmodium falciparum is dependent on de novo myo-inositol biosynthesis for assembly of GPI glycolipids and infectivity. Molecular Microbiology. 91 (4) : 762-776.
Naderer T, Heng J & McConville M. 2010. Evidence that intracellular stages of Leishmania major utilize amino sugars as a major carbon source. PlosPathogens 6, (12) e1001245
Ng, J., Ruan, U., Trengove, R., Maker, G. 2012. Development of a non-targeted metabolomics method for the analysis of human faecal samples using Cryptosporidium-infected samples. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 185, pg 145-150
Saunders EC, de Souza DP, Chambers JM, Ng M, Pyke J, McConville MJ. 2013. Use of 13C stable isotope labelling for pathway and metabolic flux analysis in Leishmania parasites Methods Molecular Biology submitted
Saunders EC, Macrae JI, Naderer T, Ng M, McConville MJ, Likić VA. 2012. LeishCyc: A Guide to Building a Metabolic Pathway Database and Visualization of Metabolomic Data. Methods Molecular Biology. 881, 505-529.
Saunders et al, accepted. 2011. Isotopomer Profiling of Leishmania mexicana Promastigotes Reveals Important Roles for Succinate Fermentation and Aspartate Uptake in Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle (TCA)Anaplerosis, Glutamate Synthesis, and Growth. JBC
Tull D, Heng J, Gooley PR, Naderer T & McConville MJ. 2012. Acylation-dependent and independent membrane targeting and distinct functions of small myristoylated proteins (SMPs) in Leishmania major. International Journal for Parasitology 42, 239-247.
Vince JE, Tull D, Landfear S & McConville MJ. 2011. Lysosomal degradation of Leishmania hexose and inositol transporters is regulated in a stage, nutrient and ubiquitin-dependent manner. International Journal for Parasitology 41, 791-800.
Conference/Poster Presentations:
De Souza D, Saunders E, Hennessy T and McConville M. 2009. Making sense of Leishmania metabolism: Profiling the lifecycle stages of the Leishmania parasite. 14th Lorne Proteomics Symposium.
Hortle E., B. Nijagal, S. Lampkin, D. Tull, D. Bauer, B. McMorran, G. Burgio, M. McConville, S. Foote. 2014. Global metabolomics for the determination of the role for AMP deaminase (Ampd3) mutation in malaria resistance Poster Presentation: 10th Metabolomics Society meeting, Japan
Kloen J, Saunders E.C., O'Callaghan S. and McConville M.J. 2013. Measuring the growth and physiological state of intracellular parasites in vivo using deuterated water Poster presentation: 24th Annual Molecular Parasitology Meeting, 8–12 September 2013, Woods Hole, United States
Rupasinghe T, MacRae JI, Botte C, Yamaryo-Botte Y, McFadden GI, Tull DL and McConville MJ. 2010. LCMS lipid profiling of intra-erythrocyte stages and intracellular organelles of Plasmodium falciparum. 7th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, Cairns, Australia.
Rupasinghe T, MacRae JI, Lopaticki S, Cowman AF and McConville MJ. 2010. Lipid profiling of intra-erythrocyte stages of P. falciparum using LCMS. 3rd Singapore Lipid Symposium.
Osiecki M, Ghanavi P, Atkinson K, Nielsen LK, Doran M. 2010. The Ascorbic Acid Paradox. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Callahan DL & Elliott C. 2013. A workflow from untargeted LC-MS profiling to targeted natural product isolation.. Metabolomics Tools for Natural Product Discovery. United States: Humana Press , pp. 57-73
Callahan, DL, Martin, JO, Hill, DRA, Olmstead, ILD and Dias DA. 2014. Analytical approaches for the detailed characterization of microalgal lipid extracts for the production of biodiesel in “Marine algae Extracts: Trend, Developments and Applications”. Wiley (in press)
David B, Wolfender JL and Dias DA . 2014. The Pharmaceutical Industry and Natural Products: Historical Status and New Trends. Phytochemical Rev. DOI 10.1007/s11101-014-9367-z
Dias DA, Urban S and Roessner U. (2012) A Historical Overview of Natural Products in Drug Discovery. Metabolites, 2: 303-336.
Dias DA. and Jones OAH. 2014. Environmental Metabolomics of Soil Organisms. In Simpson A and Simpson M (Editors) NMR Spectroscopy: A Versatile Tool For Environmental Research. eMagRes, 2-14, 3, 1-12. DOI 10.1002/9780470034590.emrstm1350.
El-Hage, Charles. 2011. Investigation into the Cause of Australian Stringhalt. RIRDC Publication No 11/127, RIRDC Project No PRJ-003742
Halim R, Rupasinghe T, Tull D & Webley PA. 2014. Modelling the kinetics of lipid extraction from wet microalgal concentrate: A novel perspective on a classical process. Chemical Engineering Journal. 242 : 234-253.
Jones OAH, Maguire ML, Griffin JL, Dias DA, Spurgeon DJ, Svendsen C 2013. Metabolomics and Its Use in Ecology. Austral Ecology
Martin GJO, Hill DRA, Botte C, Olmstead ILD, Bergamin A, Shears M, Dias DA, Kentish SE, Scales PJ, Callahan D. 2014. Lipid profile remodelling in response to nitrogen deprivation in the microalgae Chlorella sp. (Trebouxiophyceae) and Nannochloropsis sp. (Eustigmatophyceae). PLOS One (In press)
Pavagadhi S, Natera S, Roessner U, Balasubramanian R. 2013. Insights into lipidomic perturbations in zebrafish tissues upon exposure to microcystin-LR and microcystin-RR. Environmental Science Technology (accepted)
Roessner U and Dias D. 2014. Metabolomics - Applications in Marine Natural Products Chemistry. Marine Drugs (ISSN 1660-3397)
Roessner U and Dias D. 2014. The Past, Present and Future of Plant Natural Product Chemistry. Frontiers Research Ed.
Roessner U, Dias D (Eds). 2013. Metabolomics Tools for Natural Product Discoveries. In Methods in Molecular Biology Series. Book: In Methods in Molecular Biology Series. Humana Press USA (in press)
Thomas ML and Simmons LW. 2011. Short-term phenotypic plasticity in long-chain cuticular hydrocarbons. Proc. R. Soc. B published online 2 March 2011 doi:10.1098/rspb.2011.0159
Timmers MA, Dias DA and Urban S. 2012. Application of HPLC-NMR in the Identification of Polyhalogenated Secondary metabolites from the Marine Red Alga, Plocamium Angustum. Marine Drugs
Timmers MA, Dias DA and Urban S. 2013. HPLC-NMR Chemical Profiling of the Australian Carnivorous Plant Drosera erythrohiza subspecies magna. The Natural Products Journal
Urban S and Dias DA . 2013. NMR Spectroscopy: Structure Elucidation of Cycloelatane A: A Natural Product Case Study. In Roessner, U. and Dias, DA. (Editors) Methods in Molecular Biology, Metabolomics Tools for Natural Product Discoveries, Humana Press, New York, USA
Conference/Poster Presentations:
Dias D. 2014. Application of Metabolomics to Identify Natural Products from Marine Algae. Poster Presentation: International Conference of Natural Products ICNP, Palm Garden Hotel, IOI Resort Putrajaya, Malaysia, 18th-19th March, 2014.
Dias DA and Roessner U. 2011. Metabolomics: Technical Developments and its Applications in Agriculture. International Conference of Natural Products ICNP, Putrajaya, Malaysia.
Dias DA, Harden N and Roessner U. 2011. Application of gas chromatography-low thermal mass-mass spectrometry to profile and dereplicate natural product extracts. International Conference of Natural Products ICNP, Putrajaya, Malaysia.
Dias DA. 2014. Application of Metabolomics to Identify natural Products from Marine algae. U21 ECR Workshop Mexico December 2013
Reeve-Johnson MK, Rand JS, Anderson ST, Vankan DM, Dias DA, De Livera AM, Roessner U. Metabolomic Differences between lean and obese senior cats. Presentation: American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) Forum, 2014.
Dietmair S, Timmins NE, Gray PP, Nielsen LK and Krömer JO. 2010. Towards quantitative metabolomics of mammalian cells: development of a metabolite extraction protocol. Anal Biochem
Dietmair S, Nielsen LK, Timmins NE. 2011. Engineering a mammalian super producer. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology
Wale PL and Gardner DK. 2012. Oxygen Regulates Amino Acid Turnover and Carbohydrate Uptake During the Preimplantation Period of Mouse Embryo Development. BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION (2012) 87(1):24, 1–8