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Metabolomics Australia has four national nodes offering synergistic technologies that can be employed individually or collaboratively to provide research services.

These four nodes include:



The hub of Metabolomics Australia is embedded in the heart of Melbourne University’s world-famous academic and biomedical research precinct, at The University of Melbourne Bio21 Institute for Molecular Science and Biotechnology. The node offers comprehensive metabolomic services covering detection, analysis and interpretation.



South Australia

The Australian Wine Research Institute Ltd in Adelaide, South Australia provides metabolomic services for a wide range of biological species including those associated with the food and beverage industries.



Western Australia

The WA node of Metabolomics Australia is based at the Centre for Microscopy, Characterisation and Analysis facility at The University of Western Australia. Their staff provide metabolomic services for research and industry within many fields of science including biomedical, biological, plant, marine and food sciences.

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Located at the University of Queensland at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN), the Queensland node offers both proteomics and metabolomics services to offer advanced collaborative interactions, particularly addressing pressing industrial challenges in cell and metabolic engineering.